Origins of Shirk

An intermediary for intercession?

For many the matter of calling upon any form of an intermediary, seeking intercession or otherwise, is a clear matter falling within the realm of Shirk (polytheism) and outright kufr (disbelief).  Along with the other...

Lat, Lies and Mythology (Part 1)

Arguably out of all the most common arguments dominating discourse surrounding the root origins of Shirk (polytheism), the story of al-Lāt holds centre stage.  Although we have covered other no less important distinct poles within...

Idols from the era of Noah?

Continuing with our themes to cover the most common arguments dominating discourse surrounding the root origins of Shirk (polytheism), we turn to the matter of the supposed idols which were worshipped by the people of...

‘Don’t make my grave an idol’

Introduction Previously we have briefly touched upon the most common arguments dominating discourse surrounding the root origins of Shirk (polytheism).  Often, this discourse centres around three distinct poles: the story of al-Lāt, the idols worshipped...