Q&A Tall buildings in Mecca
Question Are these ḥadith sound? Are the references provided correct and accurate? When you see the belly of Makkah will be cleft […]
As an autonomous, non-profit organisation, we have dedicated ourselves to the revitalisation of contemporary Islamic discourse through the meticulous translation and dissemination of seminal Islamic texts. Our operations remain independent from governmental influences, allowing us to focus unwaveringly on our primary objective: rendering accessible previously neglected Arabic works of Islamic jurisprudence and theology in the English language.
Our methodology emphasises a dual approach. Firstly, we strive for accurate translation of foundational texts. Secondly, we aim to cultivate critical thinking skills amongst our readership. Through this strategy, we aspire to facilitate a more nuanced and informed dialogue within the global Islamic intellectual sphere.
We actively solicit academic feedback to ensure the precision of our translations and invite collaboration from qualified individuals. Furthermore, we welcome financial contributions to sustain our scholarly endeavours. Our ultimate goal is to contribute meaningfully to the corpus of Islamic literature available in English and to foster a deeper understanding of Islamic principles in the contemporary world.
Question Are these ḥadith sound? Are the references provided correct and accurate? When you see the belly of Makkah will be cleft […]
Seek help with steadfastness and prayer– though this is hard indeed for anyone but the humble; who know that they […]
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَذَرُوا مَا بَقِيَ مِنَ الرِّبَا إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ فَإِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلُوا فَأْذَنُوا بِحَرْبٍ مِنَ […]
Presented below is a complete translation of the Tafsir of chapter 112 from the Qur’ān. Rendered from the acclaimed Tafsir […]
Presented below is a short extract from the acclaimed Tafsir (Jāmi al-Bayān ‘an Ta’wil ay’ al-Qur’ān) of the grand Imām […]
Question Can this ḥadith be verified? The Prophet said: ‘He whom death overtakes while he is engaged in acquiring knowledge […]
Introduction The traditions of the ‘black banners’ or march of the ‘black banners’ al-Riyāt al-Sawd, for some are truly evocative. […]
Presented below is translation of a short piece written by Professor Muḥammad ibn Abdullah al-Mas’ari which covers the sourcing for […]
Early Documentation of the Prophetic Sunnah: Insights from Kitāb al-Tawheed How was the Prophetic Sunnah recorded and documented? Was it […]
Chapter two of the Qur’ān is entitled al-Baqara, rendered into English as ‘the cow.’ It is the longest chapter […]
Executive Summary Many accolades have been conferred upon the Prophet Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Where as previous […]
[The title image is a depiction of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by the dramatic artist John Martin (1789-1854)] Understanding […]