Kitab al-Tawheed Volume 2

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Kitāb al-Tawḥeed: The Basis of Islam and the Reality of Monotheism, is truly a landmark work, occupying a unique place amongst a contemporary landscape often bereft of original insightful scholarly work. The series represents an in-depth study into the very root origins of Islam, the essential nature of Tawḥeed (monotheism). Coupled with that, it tackles head on not only the age-old problem concerning the precise nature of Shirk (polytheism) and worship, but how these topics invariably correspond to contemporary issues like ruling, governance and allegiance.
Volume 2
Volume 2 of the Tawḥeed series continues under the broad theme related to the foundations of Islam and its fundamental doctrinal principles. The translated English edition covers Parts IV and V of the original Arabic. After introducing where the word ‘Tawḥeed’ stems from and its usage in the Islamic texts, Part IV proceeds to cover the core topics as it relates to the Oneness of Allah. Liberated from the confused ill-disciplined divisions and historical blunders, primacy is given to the original textual sources, challenging many of the phantasms that have plagued Islamic thought for far too long. The concluding five chapters cover proofs underpinning the truth and veracity of the noble Prophetic mission by the last Messenger sent to all mankind, Muḥammad peace and blessings be upon him.
Part V of Volume 2 is entitled The Historic Reality of Paganism in Arabia. This is arguably one of the most unique contributions to research in the recent era. Directly dealing with the beliefs of the Arab pagans, the mushrikeen, the chapters cover what they actually believed and what the nature of their Shirk was. Coupled with that, the myths that have come to dominate Islamic discourse, be that surrounding al-Lat, the purported idols from the era of Noah (peace be upon him) and how Shirk emerged in Arabia are principally addressed. As has come to be expected from the author, the Professor marshals the full array of Islamic textual sources, as well as those from other academic disciplines, like history, linguistics and archaeology.
Structural additions
In tandem with our approach to each book that is to appear in this series, we have streamlined many chapters, particularly where referencing and citation was copious. Repetitions have been significant curtailed, on occasion, omitted altogether. Although not part of the original Arabic text, we have included accompanying footnotes, together with additional clarification where appropriate, which includes providing hard-copy referencing to many original sources in Arabic. Chapter headings have been streamlined for the present translation with expanded introductions where appropriate. As with other translated texts that we have produced, utilisation has been made of a single, standardised translation of the Qur’ān, that produced by Professor M Abdel Haleem. This is done largely for the sake of consistency, but also for accessibility and readability. Where we have departed from that, the rationale is provided in the footnotes.
Links to the Paperback and Kindle
There is no multiplicity of ‘gods,’ nor any pantheon, there is only Allah. He, the Exalted and Majestic, has no partner, no consort and no offspring whatsoever – whether that be falsely attributed to Him by the people of the book, who say that ‘Jesus is the son of God,’ or the pre-Islamic Arabs who said that ‘the angels were the daughters of Allah.’ He, the Exalted and Majestic and only He has the ultimate prerogative of command. We ask Allah for His help, support and guidance and to forgive our many mistakes and shortcomings. Perhaps this small effort presented here will benefit you as well as us, both in this present temporal plain, and the in the life to come, Ameen Ya Rab.
The new edition of Volume 2 is now published, in both paperback and Kindle.