Contemporary Subjects

An intermediary for intercession?

For many the matter of calling upon any form of an intermediary, seeking intercession or otherwise, is a clear matter...
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Contemporary Subjects

Lat, Lies and Mythology (Part 1)

Arguably out of all the most common arguments dominating discourse surrounding the root origins of Shirk (polytheism), the story of...
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Idols from the era of Noah?

Continuing with our themes to cover the most common arguments dominating discourse surrounding the root origins of Shirk (polytheism), we...
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Kitab al-Tawheed: The Basis of Islam and the Reality of Monotheism

Kitāb al-Tawḥeed: The Basis of Islam and the Reality of Monotheism, is truly a landmark work, occupying a unique place...
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Q&A Sale and purchase of Cats

Question What is the ruling concerning the sale of cats? I understand that there is a difference of opinion on...
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Contemporary Subjects

Sacrifice and abstention

Question Is undertaking the offering of the Udhiyah (a sacrificial animal) fard (obligated) upon all Muslims during the month of Dhul-Hijjah? ...
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A Triumphant Group

Recently we have had several questions posted asking about the textual evidences regarding a group from the Muslim Ummah, a...
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Q&A Caliphate in Jerusalem

Question Is the following tradition Sahih, authentic?  I have read that it is reported that the Messenger of Allah said:...
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Q&A: The Frontier at Ashkelon

Question Is the following ḥadith recorded by al-Ṭabarāni and narrated from Ibn ‘Abbās authentic, Ṣaḥīḥ?  I have received a post...
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‘Don’t make my grave an idol’

Introduction Previously we have briefly touched upon the most common arguments dominating discourse surrounding the root origins of Shirk (polytheism). ...
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Do they not then ponder on the Quran, or are there locks upon their hearts?
Surah Muhammad (47:24)
Permissibility or Impermissibility of Food
Don’t make my grave an idol
Kitab al Tawheed
Lat Lies and Mythology (Kitab al-Tawheed) part 1
A brief overview of the period of the ‘Sunnah recordation’
Thus do We explain the signs in detail for a people who reflect.
Surah Yunus (10:24)
Do they not reflect within themselves? Allah created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in truth and for an appointed term. Yet many people deny they will meet their Lord.
Surah Ar-Rum (30:8):
The ‘Excellent Exemplar’

The ‘Excellent Exemplar’

Executive Summary Many accolades have been conferred upon the Prophet Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him).  Where as previous Prophets were sent to their own respective nations, he (peace...
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An intermediary for intercession?

For many the matter of calling upon any form of an intermediary, seeking intercession or otherwise, is a clear matter falling within the realm of Shirk (polytheism) and outright kufr (disbelief).  Along with the other...

Lat, Lies and Mythology (Part 1)

Arguably out of all the most common arguments dominating discourse surrounding the root origins of Shirk (polytheism), the story of al-Lāt holds centre stage.  Although we have covered other no less important distinct poles within...

Idols from the era of Noah?

Continuing with our themes to cover the most common arguments dominating discourse surrounding the root origins of Shirk (polytheism), we turn to the matter of the supposed idols which were worshipped by the people of...

Q&A Sale and purchase of Cats

Question What is the ruling concerning the sale of cats? I understand that there is a difference of opinion on this matter, but couldn’t decipher why and what the actual ruling upon it is. Answer...