
Two Cursed Voices?

Question Many popular Muslim speakers are quoting this ḥadith: “Two voices are cursed in this world and the hereafter; Music at the time of happiness and wailing at the time of calamity.”  Is it correct?...

Intention for Ablution

Question: Are we required to have a niyyah (intention) when performing the wuḍu (ablution)? Answer: i. Ṣalāh (prayer) is an integral part of Islam. Its prerequisite is the required level of purity.  Most books and...

Winter is coming…

  Question: Are these Prophetic narrations about winter authentic? ‘Winter is the best season for the believer. Its nights are long for him to pray in, and its days are short for him to fast...

Eid on Friday

Question: Over the last couple of years, Eid has fallen on a Friday.  Is it an obligation to pray both congregational prayers, or is one able to prayer either of them? Answer: There is a...

Face Covering in Ḥajj

Question: In attending Ḥajj this year, I witnessed many other women who were covering their faces whilst in Iḥrām.  Prior to attendance, my husband and I attended some preparatory classes where the Sheikh mentioned that...